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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 121)
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Swan DM

I think it's pretty cool you like Beksinski. He's my favorite artist. You seem pretty cool too. Be prepared for a brutal challenge when you do get around to playing Overdose. It can be very unforgiving at times. I grew up playing a lot of Halo 3 on Legendary with Mythic Skull activated. That style of challenge and the right weapon/approach to each encounter had a lot of influence on how I designed my mod.

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Swan DM

Thanks for the info. My bad on assuming gender. I'm still getting used to the fact there are ladies out there who play/mod OG Half-Life & also like Doom 3. No offence intended.

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ x4 Texture Upscale for Doom 3 v1.0

Sorry about that. I assumed you were using TGA format. You must have used some nifty upscaling tech to be using DDS format & still have a 4.29gb file size.

No offense intended. More of a compliment, really.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ x4 Texture Upscale for Doom 3 v1.0

It might be possible that:

seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"


seta image_useNormalCompression "2"

Could be causing the upscaled textures to not show up.

When it came to HD texture packs for Doom 3, I always had issues with "usePrecomressedTextures" set to "1". Maybe try setting that command to "0".

If it still doesn't work, try setting "useNormalCompression" to "0" as well.

Maybe that method will work. Hope this is helpful.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ x4 Texture Upscale for Doom 3 v1.0

Don't know much about "IdTech4A++", but did you try changing "DoomConfig" to "Autoexec"? In the past, there was a Doom 3 mod that I had to change the "doomconfig.cfg" to "autoexec.cfg" in order to get its features working in-game. Don't know if this is helpful. Just thought I'd suggest a solution that has worked for me.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose v2

I believe you. That's very odd, though. I have tested Overdose on original (2004) version from Steam. And had no issues. Sorry to say, I don't have any suggestions to help with your issue. Do you have the original (2004) GOG release to try where you're at? That's the only thing I can think of to do. I've heard the GOG version has helped others who had issues with the Steam version.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose v2

That's strange. When you say "Doom 3 Steam version", are you refering to "Doom 3 (2019)" release?

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose v2

What are your system specs?

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

Added config patch to prevent motion-sickness. You can find it in the "Files" tab.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP BFG Lite

Amazing work, H3llBaron. Bravo!

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Half-Life: Enriched

This looks & sounds like it's going to be something truly special. Cheers to your journey & success!

Good karma+4 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Swan DM

Wow! I did not know you were the guy who made this mod. Looks awesome. I will give this a go when I get some free time on my hands. Love Half-Life. Love its multiplayer. But these days when I try to play online, I keep getting stuck in servers with a bunch of rude & obnoxious folk. This looks like exactly what I need to enjoy Half-Life DM again.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Prey hidef

I usually detest Reshade & most often am against using it. I have to say, though, this use of Reshade is some of the very best I've ever seen... and I've seen hundreds of Reshades.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

There is no Aim-down-sights mechanics in this mod. If you really want to play this mod with aiming reticles, simply open up the file "zzz_pakOverdose2.pk4" with 7-Zip application & look in folder "guis". Inside that folder open the folder called "assets" & inside that folder delete the folder called "common". Doing this will allow you to play Overdose with aiming reticles.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

I tried getting this to work with ROE & TLM, but it's just too much time & effort to get everything to work properly with those expansions. Currently I am fine-tuning the mod for main game, with an update planned for some time late this month, hopefully. Most likely won't get around to making this compatible with the expansions. Having said that, I might come back to ROE & TLM later down the road. Though I'm not certain on that, as I have other projects I'm also working on.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

The new computer screens look good. Thank you for all the work you've done on this pack. Looking forward to seeing your BFG Edtion D3HDP release. Cheers to your journey.

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ UAC Administration, Cleansed of Evil

Awesome work! This deserves a lot more attention.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

Glad it is working for you. Beksinski is a legend. Love his work. Thanks for the kind words.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

Thank you for the info, AnviGrinn. My bad, I completely forgot to mention in the "README" file that it's normal for the game to hang on the loading screen, when using Overdose. I tested the "Low End Config" on a Windows 10 with an Intel Core i7 CPU with a Nvidia GTX 1050ti GPU. With the "Low End Config" on those system specs, Overdose loaded every level without any crashes. But the level load times can take up to 5 mins total. Sorry about that lack of info on my part. I should have clarified that. Try loading the game again with "New Game" & wait for the level to load. The loading bar freezing at full is completely normal on lower end systems. It may take several minutes to start the level after seeing the loading bar freeze at the full bar mark. Sadly, this is normal. It appears like the game is frozen on the load screen, but it's actually still loading. Try it again & wait for the loading screen (may take up to 5 mins or more to finish loading up the level on those system specs). Let me know if it works for you.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Doom 3: Redux

Hey, Strelok. Any news on Redux 2.1? Really looking forward to it. Excited to see what 2.1 brings to Doom 3 when it releases. Cheers to your journey & success!

Good karma+3 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

It's not a compilation of mods. The mod assets that are embeded in Overdose are being used to add to the experience. The biggest mod assets in use here are sound effects, Phrozo Mod 2 particles & body-damage-scale found in CED's Assets Pack. The enhanced immersion, sense of realism, sound mixing, player movement, fast-paced-tactical-combat-loop, enhanced ragdoll effects & getting everything to work with D3HDPv2 was all done by me. The goal of Overdose was to make a complete gameplay overhaul mod that fully works with D3HDPv2. I made this mod mostly for myself. But after all the effort put into it, I thought I'd go ahead and share it with the world. If people like it, that's cool. If they don't like it, I'm fine with that. Overdose is the way I play my Doom 3.

"does it have anything new?" I personally think so. Overdose is all about high-speed-tactics/on-the-fly-quick-trigger-thinking. You have to dance back & forth between your arsenal, while staying on your toes, all the while doing your best to avoid damage. The reward of Overdose comes when you start to understand how the combat loop works. I wanted to make Doom 3 as fast, frantic & smooth as possible, while still staying true to the game's original vision of tension & action-horror. Maybe I succeeded at the goal. I think I did, but who knows. Also, I avoided using mechanics from Perfected Doom3 & Overthinked Doom3 because I wanted my mod to stand out from them. Those are great Doom 3 mods with great mechanics. But Overdose was designed to be its own, unique experience. Don't really know what else to say. You might like it, or it might not be your cup of tea. Either way, thanks for stopping by. Cheers!

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Overdose

In some cases, enemies will try to flank the player. Zsec zombie men & Chaingunner will hold down position from cover while keeping player pinned with gunfire. There's only a small window of time to safely pop out of cover & get the drop on them. All projectile firing enemies go for the kill as soon as they see the player. Projectile firing enemies like Zsec marines, Chaingunner (and a few other non projectile firing enemies) will sometimes dodge out of harm's way the very moment you fire your weapon at them. Not that it's a "smarter" feature, but every now & then the Zsec Shotgunner will fire at you while still running, instead of stopping to shoot.

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Delta 2 Cleansed of All Evil

This series is awesome! It would be cool to see your take on "Administration": seeing employees working at their desks, having guard posts, marines patrolling the hallways & a receptionist at the main Admin desk would be cool to see in action. Maybe you could even expand it. Have that one door that imp escapes through (after it threw that fireball at you) in main game lead out into a whole other area. Maybe this new area could have a jim for marine fitness & workout training, complete with a basketball court & maybe even have a bar & pool table just down the hall from the jim & court. Just a thought.

Good karma+3 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

Hey, H3llBaron, what's new in today's 1 year anniversary for D3HDPv2?

Good karma+3 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

Try using "Seta image_useCache" settings in the "autoexec.cfg" file. If that's not enough, also try Seta com_purgeAll "1". If those are not enough, patch your Doom 3 exe file with "Large Address Aware". Also try going into your Graphics Settings on your computer & setting Doom 3 exe file to use "High Performance".

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

Awesome update of Quake4Ever2007's Self Shadows. So happy to see fully smooth self shadows officially embeded in the main pack. Great job, H3llBaron.

Good karma+3 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ Doom 3: 2553

Open the "autoexec.cfg" file and add these commands:

Seta r_mode "-1"

Seta r_customHeight "1080"

Seta r_customWidth "1920"

Save the changes & load up the game. You'll now have the image resolution you want.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

Not to bug you, H3llBaron, I was wondering (if you had the time to do it), could you possibly make Arl's Alpha Helmet fully compatible with Arl's Alpha Shotgun? I've tried poking around the files for both some time ago (in the hopes of editing them to work together). But when it comes to md5 anim files, I don't know where to begin.

It would be a dream come true to have a version of Arl's Alpha Helmet that is fully working with Arl's Alpha Shotgun.

If not, it's all good. Thank you for your work & dedication on this mod.

Good karma+2 votes
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

Don't know his exact setup. But I know from the statements he made about "malloc errors" (game crashing to desktop with blue screens with multiple number sets) when playing D3HDP.v2 is only happening because his hardware is very low tier. malloc errors can show up with multiple error warnings, leading to confusion if you don't have a good understanding of Doom 3's engine. Whatever the blue screen error reads when suffering a "malloc error", in almost every case it is Doom 3's way of telling you that your CPU/GPU or both is not up to the task that your asking of them. In other words, the CPU/GPU or both is not powerful enough to load the assets that Doom 3 is trying to load. In this case: High quality textures/models & polygons. The more high quality the textures/models/polygons your telling Doom 3 to load are, the more demanding Doom 3 is on your CPU & GPU.

Hope this answer was helpful.

Good karma+1 vote
ParallaxTiger - - 121 comments @ D3HDP - DooM 3 Essential HD Pack

The "seta" is strong with you.

Good karma+2 votes