Installation Guide:
- Download the latest Sins Remastered mod from here: - Extract the archive into a 'SinsRemastered' folder in your 'C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder.
- Download the latest Babylon 5 Sins of the Younger Races mod from here: - Extract the archive into your root 'Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder instead of a new mod folder as the archive ALREADY contains a premade 'SotyrRemastered' folder inside of it (so if you're not careful you'll end up with a mod folder inside of a mod folder and it won't work lol).
- Start Sins and go to 'Options', then 'Mods', and you should see the mods you've installed.
- Enable 'SotyrRemastered' and then enable 'SinsRemastered' too. Make sure that the load order is SotyrRemastered first/top and then SinsRemastered second/bottom.
- Restart Sins and you should be good to go!
Sometimes the in-game mod loader can be a bit funky so if you can't see the mods you've installed or something isn't working then enabling the mods via the 'EnabledMods.txt' file in your 'Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder where you installed the mods to is the other alternative. It should look like this to work:
SinsArchiveVersion 194
Version 0
enabledModNameCount 2
enabledModName "SotyrRemastered"
enabledModName "SinsRemastered-v0.95b"