Post tutorial RSS Sins Of Our Past: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

This is a fast, reliable walkthrough from Lihas himself. Feel free to refer here in case you got stuck in the game.

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Wing A

1. Leave the room where you woke.
2. Go to the room on the right.
3. Listen to the beatiful conversation.
4. Go to the small room under the stairs, and grab the hammer.
5. Smash the door, and listen to the long conversation.
6. Go to the small room downstairs, and grab everything you can. (The lantern is in the drawer.)
7. Let Arthur take care of the doors. Do not go to close to him, when he's smashing them, or, for some reason, he will attack you. (This is a very rare bug.)
8. Grab the lamp oil from the shelf, and the stuff behind the boxes.
9. Collect everything in the room before Cellar.


1. Watch the cutscene and listen the conversation.
2. Take the Laudanum and heal yourself.
3. Go through the door on the right.
4. Run away from the Brute, to the closet.
5. Wait until he disappears.
6. Grab the key under the bed.
7. Use it to open the workdesk's door.
8. Grab the oil, and lube the hatch's hinges.
9. Crawl through the stones, and GO LEFT to go to Wing B.

Wing B

1. Take the lamp oil and tinderboxes from the workdesk.
2. Go through the door on the right.
3. Run to the end of the corridor.
4. Get blown by the script.
5. Run to the door you entered, and crouch in the corner to avoid death.
6. When he is finished blasting through the doors, go to the room on the left.
7. Get the Chrome Key from the dead body near the closet.
8. Use it to open the door in the end of the corridor.
9. Grab the lamp oil from the lonely workdesk in the big room.
10. Go to the door on the left of the room.
11. Enter the "machinery", and pull the lever.
12. Hide from the grunt, and wait him to leave.
13. Go back to the big room with stairs.
14. Pull off the painting in the room, and pull the lever as well.
15. Either run to the door, which was closed before, or run from the monsters.
16. Go through the door to enter Laboratory.


1. Run forward.
2. Get blown by the wind.
3. Go through the prison door.
4. RUN through all the doors, and jump on the stone bar to escape.
5. Go right, through the door.
6. Go right, again.
7. More right-going.
8. Go through the door, to the center of the bigger room. Don't bother setting the candles on.
9. Grab the hanging key.
10. Go back to the door which closed behind you.
11. Go left, and use the key on the door.
12. Quickly visit the room, then go back to the bigger room.
13. Go through the door in the end of the bigger room.
14. Walk forward.
15. When the corridor collapses, it's pretty much end of your actions.


1. Listen through the biig conversation.
2. The end!
3. Rate on ModDB.

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