Post tutorial RSS Removing / editing Impulse 101 from GoldSRC

On this tutorial, we will teach you how to remove / editing impulse 101 from GoldSRC

Posted by on - Basic Client Side Coding

Hi everyone, on this tutorial, we will teach you how to remove/editing impulse 101 from GoldSRC.

also, we are using Visual Studio Express 2013 For Desktop to edit the dll.

ok, first of all, you are gonna open player.cpp


Then you are gonna click "ctrl+f" and search case 101 and you probably will find something like

case 101:
  gEvilImpulse101 = TRUE;
  GiveNamedItem( "item_suit" );
  GiveNamedItem( "item_battery" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crowbar" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_pipewrench" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmhandgun" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmclip" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_shotgun" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_buckshot" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_9mmAR" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_9mmAR" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_ARgrenades" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_handgrenade" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_tripmine" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_sniperrifle" );
#ifndef OEM_BUILD
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_357" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_357" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_crossbow" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_crossbow" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_egon" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_gauss" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_gaussclip" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_rpg" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_rpgclip" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_satchel" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_snark" );
  GiveNamedItem( "weapon_hornetgun" );
  GiveNamedItem( "ammo_762" );
  gEvilImpulse101 = FALSE;
  break; Now, to remove it just delete the whole command, if you want to edit like to make it spawn a Grunt do
case 101:
  if (!giPrecacheGrunt)
   giPrecacheGrunt = 1;
   ALERT(at_console, "You must now restart to use Grunt-o-matic.\n");
   UTIL_MakeVectors(Vector(0, pev->v_angle.y, 0));
   Create("monster_human_grunt", pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, pev->angles);

And if you want it to make appear a message do

case 101:
 m_IdealActivity = ACT_HOP;
        ALERT( at_console, "TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE\n" );

And That's all for now! Happy Codding!!

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