Post tutorial RSS NHC Mod v2.602c Steam Installation Guide

The NHC Mod v2.602c Steam Installation and Uninstallation Guide, with or without the installer or uninstaller.

Posted by on - Basic Installers

EDIT:: There is even a youtube tutorial here:
--------------------------------- Please Read --------------------------------------

These are instructions for installing or uninstalling NHC Mod with or without the NHC Mod installer program.
- These instruction do not work if you have a Company Of Heroes that is not with Steam.
- Once again, this instruction manual is exclusively for Steam Company Of Heroes users.
- If you are a non-Steam Company Of Heroes user, please refer to the Basic Installation Instructions.

-------------------------- Installation With Installer ----------------------------
1) Delete any previous version of the NHC mod.
2) Run the installer and follow the on screen instructions.
3) Select your Company Of Heroes folder, which should be either:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
4) Please double check you have the correct folder select as the mod will not work otherwise.
5) Read the NHC Mod Read-Me file if you want some details about the mod.
6) To launch NHC Mod, click on the desktop shortcut or go to your Company Of Heroes directory and click NHCToV.bat to start the mod.
7) Installer Installation complete.

----------------------- Uninstallation With Uninstaller ----------------------------

1) Find you Company Of Heroes directory, usually located at either:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
2) Run the Uninstaller program, currently named UninstalNHCToV_v2.602c and begin the Uninstallation process.
3) Uninstaller Uninstallation complete.

----------------------------- Manual Installation ----------------------------------

1) Delete any previous version of the NHC Mod, if needed use the Uninstallation processes in this document.
2) Extract everything in your Company Of Heroes folder, usually located either:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
3) To start the mod, just click on NHCToV.bat and it should start up, if it does not however, refer to step 4).
4) If NHCToV.bat does not work for any reason, you may try to create your own shortcut:
- Create a shortcut of relicCOH.exe located in your Company Of Heroes Relaunch directory.
- Right-click on the shortcut and go to "Properties".
- In the Shortcut tab change the Target line by adding the following command after the brackets:
"- mod NHCTOV -dev" (without bracket(""))
- This means your shortcuts directory should either be:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch\RelicCoH.exe" -mod NHCTOV -dev
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch\RelicCoH.exe" -mod NHCTOV -dev
5) Use the new shortcut you have created to start the mod.
6) Manual Installation complete.

------------------Steam "Game is not being run as a known company of heroes product"------------------

If you have the error message "Game is not being run as a known company of heroes product. try again by launching from steam" :
It may be because you have an antivirus that prevent the bat files to run the command "RelicCOH.exe -mod NHCToV -dev".
To go around that, make sure the mod was installed in the right folder, on the launching options from steam,
In library > on the left menu of your game list, right-click on company of heroes > property > general > define launching option you can add the command
-mod NHCToV -dev
This would run the mod. You would have to remove that command for running other mods.

---------------------------- Manual Uninstallation ---------------------------------

1) To uninstall the mod manually, you must delete every NHC Mod file from your Company Of Heroes directory, which should be either:
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
2) Manual Uninstallation Complete.

grumpy50119 - - 1 comments

My brain is a little on the slow side i dont get what he means by extract everything in the folder...delete them or what?

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ab2531 - - 1,626 comments

Manual installation is only for old version or beta versions that do not have installer. It means extract all the files of the zip in CoH folder.

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fidousfc - - 10 comments

dude i did both and i still get media not verified error this ******* sucks...

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