In Hollywood Zombie Pinball Apocalypse, the player goes through 3-4 minutes gameplay
levels. In order to provide fun and rich game experience, we chose a specific
level design method, which makes tests and modifications easy to apply. Indeed,
we need to playtest a lot, and then to constantly tweak our game parameters.
So, here comes our technique to quickly and
efficiently produce levels: we’d like to share it with you in case you’re interested.
First you may create a 2D Illustrator level as
shown here, leaving the center of this vectorial shape blank (only outlines).
Then, export your file to 3DSmax as a “unique object”, having firstly saved it
as an “Illustrator 3” file.
Once in 3DSmax, convert it to poly.
And simply extrude the outlines of the level so as to create walls.
Finally, create a ground by adding a new box under the level, and drop the .max file into Unity.
Add a MeshCollider, and it’s DONE!
Easy, isn’t it?