First of all, we are way past 4.1 on TWC. ModDB sadly does not have the files. But the developers have uploaded it to mediafire, why they don't simply upload it here is beyond me.
Step 1 - Download the installer .exe with the base mod files: (Steam cant find kingdoms, below for info)
KGCM 3.0 download link:
Step 2 - Install patch 4.2 to the folder containing your Kingdoms.exe file:
KGCM 4.2 download link:
Step 3 - Install patch 4.3 to your ...mods\kingdoms_grand_campaign_mod folder:
KGCM 4.3 download link:
KGCM 4.3 alternate link:
Some fixes for after completing the above
(I have not installed these myself but will probably do so in the future)
Installation Instructions for the Installers
Steam users will most likely have to do the Steam Instructions before installing.
3.0 - Is straight forward, just click next on all of them.
4.2 - Point to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War
(Your's might be slightly different)
4.3 - Point to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods\kingdoms_grand_campaign_mod
(Your's might be slightly different)
Launching the mod - After installing everything, i was left with no way of launching the mod. So a little trick i did to make it easily available is the following
- Go to \Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War\mods
- Rename teutonic (or a one of the dlc's you wont be playing) to -teutonic
- Rename kingdoms_grand_campaign_mod to teutonic
- Launch MW2 using Steam and select Teutonic.
If you use Steam and have trouble with the KGCM 3.0 installer
Steam update removed the kingdoms.exe to fix this do the following.
- Go to \Steam\steamapps\common\Medieval II Total War
- Make a copy of medieval2 and rename the new one to kingdoms (Files are the .exe ones)
- Launch KGCM 3.0 Installer and install.
If that does not work, you're one of the unlucky ones and you will have to do the Regedit instructions.
If you do this and mess up your computer (and you can seriously brick it if you don't pay attention), that's your own fault. Read carefully.
Hit Start
01. Put 'regedit' in the run box.
02. Go to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
03. Right click in empty space somewhere on the right pane.
04. Select New > String Value
05. Type 'AppPath' without the quotes and hit enter
06. Right click 'AppPath' and select Modify...
07. In the bottom box put your M2TW install directory. Example - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Medieval II Total War
08. Right click in empty space somewhere on the right pane.
09. Select New > String Value
10. Type 'language' without the quotes and hit enter
11. Right click 'language' and select Modify...
12. In the bottom box put your language. Mine says 'english' without the quotes.
13. Right click in empty space somewhere on the right pane.
14. Select New > String Value
15. Type 'version' without the quotes and hit enter
16. Right click 'version' and select Modify...
17. In the bottom box put '1.03.00' without the quotes.
18. Close the registry.
19. Try the KGCM 3.0 installer again.
Hope all of this was helpful, i love this mod and i know the feeling of wanting to play a mod and it not working. Thereby also saying "Fuuud it", quit, slam, delete files, uninstall MW2 and never look at it again. So lets hope you wont have to do that.
If something is wrong or you want to add something please feel free to tell me.
Links to TWC pages (I think that's all of them, might have missed one or two.)
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Here the fix for those Mongol Halberd:
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