Modding BF2 (or playing the mods), and something is crashing? Here's how to tell what is causing it.
Go to the BF2 shortcut on your desktop. If you don't have one, make one.
Now right click it, and go to "Properties".
The shortcut will usually look similar to this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1
It will be "Program Files" if you have 32-bit Windows.
Change it to this:
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 0 +szx 800 +szy 600 +modPath mods/THEMODYOUWANTOTEST
The folder name of the mod you want to test (IE, AIX2) is put there. You find this out by navigating to EAGAMES\Battlefield 2\mods and looking there.
So open it up. BF2 will be running in a window form. Just load up the map, and do the thing that causes the crash (like loading a certain map, shooting a weapon, etc.). Windowed mode will come up with a dialogue box saying what the error is. Copy that down (or take a screenshot), and either contact the creator of the mod to fix it, or fix it yourself (the error message is usually pretty clear; it shouldn't be too hard).
Note: If the game crashes at 15%, without an error, then that is an Itemindex error. Make sure that there is no guns on the same kit that have the same itemindex. This is located in the weapons .tweak file.
Any questions or problems, just ask.
this is for windows 7??? i have no Program Files(x86)
If it's 32-bit Windows, then it will just be Program Files.
I have this problem.I had the AIX mod before and i played it well.
After that i deleted bf2 and the aix mod.
I wanted to play it again so i installed all of it recently but now when i choose a map on single and multiplayer it craches on the desktop when i launch the game.
I ran the game in to window to see the crash massage.But when i enter the game it craches only when i press "Singleplayer" or "Multiplayer" with no massage at all.Please help me.
Karniks,are you dumb?
Reinstall BF2 because you deleted the game (bf2)
Are you dumb? he clearly said he installed all of it again.
Hey i download 1 Mod and Map aswell.At the 67% just crash out. No error no nothing.
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hi ... i have bf2 it's work fine but the Hard Justice mod crash at 15% "in loading any map" also in Bf2SP64 mod ???
how to determine easily what guns have an same itemindex
debug assertion failed!
version:1.5.3153-802.0 date 2009-8-20 18:8
after crash it says:
debug assertion failed!
version: 1.5.3153-802.0 date 2009-8-20 18:8
Module: FireComponents
C:\dice\project\BF2Branches\Patch_1_50 \Code\BF2\Game\objects\Weapons\FireComponents \SingleFireComp.cpp
Line: 149
Text: subgeom 1 lod 2 not available.Object=recon rpg_lodcount=2
Curent confile:
Plz if you can help me i like this mo but it's in german forum.
I have this problem too, have you found a fix for it? thank you
Set texture quality to high. It is done.
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I have this problem.I had the AIX mod before and i played it well.
After that i deleted bf2 and the aix mod.
I wanted to play it again so i installed all of it recently but now when i choose a map on single and multiplayer it craches on the desktop when i launch the game.
I ran the game in to window to see the crash massage.But when i enter the game it craches only when i press "Singleplayer" or "Multiplayer" with no massage at all.Please help me.
same here
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(EDIT) wrong thread sry, was going to post my problem in forgotten hope 2
Armored Kill v1.5 mod by Demon_from_pripyat, has crash in 67%.... help pls ?
there is a new update of the mod try it 2.0
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Hi everyone
I'm facing a problem with bf2 hard justice, I installed v 1.3 and on startup the screen look grey and options are appearing as "botton 1, 2, 3 ... Etc" and on loading the maps it stops on 14% (object loading) then with no warning or error it stops and I found myself facing the desktop.
I used to play it on Windows Xp and everything were ok, but now I'm using Windows 10
I'd appreciate any help or idea
after crash it says:
debug assertion failed!
Version 1.5.3153-802.0 Build......
Module : RendDX9
Line : 460
Texture common/waterbump.01 is a 24-bits texture,this format in not supported anymore
someone Can help me please. Thanx
how do you do this if you have a steam version?
I have following Problem:
The game crashes as soon as I try to deploy with any soldier. It crashes without any error message. I think, that the AiTemplate of the kits is the problem. I use a modified version of AIX with the Battlefield 4 soldier models and kits. If I give the bf4 kits the same AiTemplate as in the standart kits the game crashes and says "You have tried to enter a vehicle thats not prepared to be used with AI (or something similar)". If I change the AiTemplate to the same as in the standart soldiers tweaks the game crashes without any error message. I really dont know what to do. Can Anybody help me please?
I use only working weapons and soldier models. The only not 100% working files are the kit-tweaks
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Hi guys
C:\dice\project\BF2Branches\Patch_1_50 \Code\BF2\Game\objects\Weapons\FireComponents \SingleFireComp.cpp Line: 149 Text: subgeom 1 lod 2 not ...
i have this problem and I really want to play BF2 Heat of Battle Mod, please help thanks
try downloading the subgeom fix from heat of battle have you ever tried download it?
Every damn mod I install after Combat mod just doesn't work and does the same thing (black screen then desktop). I'm sick of wasting my bandwidth limit. I have done running it from the original BF2 exe then go to community tabs but still does the same damn thing. Like they didn't even get to load the intro, it just crashes just before the intro plays.
The only mod that works in my pc is:
Combat Mod
Sandbox Mod
Project Alpha
Please I need help for the love of God this is so ridiculous
I tried the shortcut thing but it gave no errors. PLEASE help! ! )):
hey i want to ask you about this crash problem, my game is crashing when in loading screen, it will crash in 32%. do you know how to find & solve this problem ??
Mine crashes the mod is called:
it doesnt matter everytime i press the "join game" button it crashes
The mod did not crashed when i used this method, what should i conclude?
that's very interesting, better check bf2 forums.
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For some reason, without touching it during the modding process, there's an error pointing towards an "xpack forklift" texture
I've got the shortcut setup like this but I still get crashes in game and never get an error code. I know it's just one thing causing the crash I just can't tell what it is. I've got quite a few weapons mods (maybe 40 or so, enough to fill all the kits) but they all work fine while playing, the AI use them no problem too. It's completely random but always in game. Any advice? This is kicking my a**.
I was playing AIX 2.0 mod and I placed a mortar on the ground and when I try to shoot it, The game crashes.
I followed your steps and I got no error message so what's is itemindex exactly ? how can I find/fix it ?
guys i got this error and i have tried everything and still crashing on loading screen please anyone help
after crash it says:
debug assertion failed!
version: 1.5.3153-802.0 date 2009-8-20 18:8
Module: FireComponents
C:\dice\project\BF2Branches\Patch_1_50 \Code\BF2\Game\objects\Weapons\FireComponents \SingleFireComp.cpp
Line: 149
Text: subgeom 1 lod 2 not available.Object=recon rpg_lodcount=2
Curent confile:
how fix this problem.....