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The history of changes in Winter Mod 3.0 (Updated).

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Winter Mod 3.0 was released initially in 2013. Later it was re-released as Winter Mod 3.0 (Updated) in December 2014.

But after its official release, the modification was improved and uploaded few times, still as 3.0 version. On the Mod DB the latest version is always available. Below you can read a full list of changes.

  • May 2013: the first, initial version of the Winter Mod 3.0; it was created from scratch with comparison the latest old gen version of the mod (Winter Mod 2.3);
  • December 31, 2014 (January 3, 2015 on Mod DB): the first archive with 3.0 updated version;
  • January 10, 2015: fixed some installer glitches: mod is no more added in «Programs and Features» list (if you want, you can delete mod from this list with CCleaner or another utility); now size of the installer is smaller (on 122 Mb; used some tricks for better compression);
  • April 7, 2015: fixed problem with Martha's Mug Shot mission;
  • June 2, 2015: fixed problems with Diaz gang in Freeride Mode and original game's bug, connected with Havana Outfit (also the model of Havana clothes store was improved); all bands are now subordinated to Tommy in Freeride mode;
  • December 29, 2016: improved ReadMe, fixed misprint on the loading screen, improved alpha textures in generic.txd;
  • December 31, 2017: resaved the menu that did not work in previous variant in some cases; lower vignette effect; added (to the menu) feature to disable vignette for all graphics parameters; included Widescreen Fix for widescreen displays support;
  • December 31, 2018: Tommy now in warm clothes in the cutscenes by default; snowflake on the radar instead of the arrow; new knuckle icon; HD radio icons; New Year Radio has its own icon; added two new songs on the New Year Radio; normalization of the radio sound; louder winter environment sounds; splash screens; new Windows systems compatibility tips;
  • December 31, 2019: fixed: there are no more any flashing of lightning and thunder sounds during the snowfall (great gratitude to The Hero for writing of this plugin for the mod); added feature to disable rain drops effect on the virtual camera; added feature to disable intro videos; mod's menu was highly improved (now it's divided into two files — two language versions; added button for Windows compatibility tips, button for open the game folder, added startup music, other changes); added Windows 10 fix; added two new songs on the New Year Radio (+ additional retro radio sound effect); some little stuff;
  • December 31, 2020: some new generic foliage textures (winter trees and bushes);
  • December 31, 2021: compatibility with Windows 10 was improved — a graphical library SweetFX used in the mod is now working on Windows 10 (needed DirectX files will be installed after the mod's installation); the mod's menu was improved (a feature to enable-disable the startup sound was added, buttons look on the newer systems and FHD+ resolutions was improved); Ultimate ASI Loader was added; .exe with improved memory limits was added; textures of a lot of buildings and surfaces on the first island were improved (and a vehicle — BF Injection); HD intro screens; New Year Radio sound was corrected (it was quieter than original radio stations); additional Soviet radio now has its own logo in the menu (and louder sound too); a new Easter egg was added; fixed: original game bug with dots on the taxi car windshield; fixed: particles problem (dots on some textures); fixed: disabling of the raindrops on the virtual camera now is really working; a lot of minor changes;
  • December 31, 2022: more winter atmosphere: The North Point Mall is preparing for the holidays and the new music is playing there; some environment textures were improved: new snowy surfaces were added; high resolution fonts were integrated; minor changes.
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