Post tutorial RSS Easy way to make a new playable factions for EAW/ FOC.

This maybe the easy way, but not the best. But for beginners or those of you that aren't looking into lots of modding and just want it done, this is a good way to go about it.

Posted by on - Basic Starting a mod

(NOTE: Some of the URLs don't work anymore, I will find new ones and post them when I can, sorry)

For those that are new to modding I'll start at the beginning.

1) You'll need XML editor, DAT text file editor, and MTD editor.

XML editor can be downloaded at Brotherso...lpad-71341.html This one works great for EAW & FOC modding. But it is for more advanced users.

DAT editor can be downloaded at Empireatwar.f...itor_Text;98260

MTD editor can be downloaded at

2) Using the XML editor open the Factions xml file.
(should be located under My computer\ C:\ program_files\ lucas_arts\ star_wars_empire_at_war_forces_of_corruption\ mods\ your mod's name\ data\ xml)

Copy one of the factions that are already there. For example Rebel. Then rename the faction to what ever you want. Now there is loads of stuff you can change when it comes to the music that plays, to the voices it uses, but that's for other topics. Now scroll down to these areas.

TEXT_FACTION_REBEL change rebel to the new name. This so the name will show up in the menu list before the game.

i_icon_rebel.tga If you have a symbol for your faction change this to that files name. Mind you it has to be a tga file and the name has to begin with i_multiplay or it wont see it. But for your xml it you need to type in i_icon before the name.

Make sure this says true not false. True

Now scroll almost all the way down to

Give it allies if you want.
Put the factions that you want as enemies here.

Last give your new faction a Prefix
r_ make one with the first few letters of the new name to avoid problems, then add _ at the end. This is sometimes used with characters or ships when 2 or more factions use the same one, the use of the prefix is to designate which faction it belongs to. It will all so be used for Building Mines and Defense Pads.

And save.

3)Now using the DAT editor. Open your mod's MasterTextFile_ENGLISH file.
(should be located under C:\ program_files\ lucas_arts\ star_wars_empire_at_war_forces_of_corruption\ mods\ your mod's name\ data\ text)

It will pop up all the games text for that mod only. Now go to edit at the top bar, insert string.
A box will pop up, in string name type TEXT_FACTION_your factions name (this is for the game to know what to use)
then in text type your faction name (this is the name that will show up in the menu list when you pick you teams)

And save.

4)Last. Now this is for those of you that have a symbol for your faction. (note - this is not needed for this to work)
Using the MTD editor open your mod's MT_commandbar.mtd file.
(should be located under C:\ program_files\ lucas_arts\ star_wars_empire_at_war_forces_of_corruption\ mods\ your mod's name\ data\ art\ textures)

Now when you open it, the program will ask you to open another sub file. type in mt_commandbar and hit enter. This will pop up all your command bar pics or I_BUTTONS.

Go to edit, insert files, then find the folder that you have your symbol located in. Make sure that the name reads I_MULTIPLAY_your factions name.TGA (yet again this is for modders that have a pic for a symbol. If you don't and want to make one you can use Photo shop with the tga plug-in or an Image Converter.)

And that's that. Now you have a new faction, and trust me that's the easy way. I'll post how give your factions bases, and how to make your factions be able to build mines and pads, and also how to get them to capture pads, gravity-well generators, sensors, asteroid bases & supply docks later. Hope this helps.


Guest - - 705,675 comments


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MTGraves Author
MTGraves - - 178 comments

Please Note that there are more files that need to be created and altered in order for the new faction to be completely integrated into the game.

The method I posted only allows the use of a new faction, but it doesn't give them the abilities to upgrade, capture, or use the AI correctly. I'm putting together a tutorial on how to make all the needed changes.

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Guest - - 705,675 comments

Ok, I created a Corellian faction after the previously existing one in the mod would not become playable even after I made the changes, but they could'nt capture CPS or really do anything. Will there be new tut soon?

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MTGraves Author
MTGraves - - 178 comments

Sorry guys, haven't been on this site in a while. Can't say that I'll have time to make one. But I didn't want to leave you guys unanswered. First off, some of the tutorial is missing, never noticed it before. Anyways.

First, go to the XML file of the structure that you want to be able to capture and add in the new faction structure and match the allegiance. That will allow the faction to control it. Some of the structures will be hard to find, just look through all the XMLs that have structure info. You can add this code by copying one from another faction and changing the name and allegiance. Ie. Mines, Turrets, Grav. Wells.

In the XML each structure has a letter in front of the name. E_Mine_Structure or something like that. "Sorry at work and can't remember." The E is for empire just copy the code and change the letter for the new faction.

The Dock and Asteroid Base I think you need to just add the faction to it's allegiances, and then add the units and or upgrades to the build list.

Second, for the Dock and Asteroid base you'll have to add in the units or upgrades that structure will allow that team to have. This is done in the same XML as adding the new allegiance. You'll see the other factions lists as well. Make sure to put the faction name first, then the buildables. Its the same as adding units to a base to build them.

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MTGraves Author
MTGraves - - 178 comments

Third, you'll have to make sure that the units and upgrades are aligned with that faction. At this point I hope you know how to change which faction units are controlled by. In the upgrades XML you have to have the upgrade coded for the faction, you can't share. You'll notice that like the buildable structres, each faction has their own with a different letter.

Oh, by the way the letter is the faction reference that I mentioned in the tutorial.

Just like creating a new faction just copy and paste the upgrade you want if you don't want to create one, then change the faction info. Then you need to add all the units and/or structure the upgrade will effect. Most mods forget this. But the upgrades your star base has are attached to units. So in the upgrade you have to tell it what units and/ or structures to effect. Again making sure that those units/ structures all have the correct faction allegiance. They add units but never and them to the upgrade list. (Serious mods do remember)

Last, you'll need to go into the all the new units XML files and make sure that they have a capture/ control value. Again can't remember what its called, but its something like that, you'll find it. For fighters you'll need to check both the individual unit's as well was the squadron's XML.

All that will allow you to capture and build. And if you add the faction upgrades and your units to the upgrade, the upgrade system will work.

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MTGraves Author
MTGraves - - 178 comments

As far as the AI, the best you can do with out having to do serious coding, is to chose the right vanilla faction's AI.

Rebel AI will typically Defend at first until it gathers it forces, and will run and hide when out matched. For GC mode they will defend high value planets with large armies and will typically hide until one team is defeated or they are provoked.

Empire AI will typically Scout first, use small attacks continually while taking over points on the map. This AI is a hero spammer, and will run toward friendly units when out matched to lure you in to losing units. For GC mode they will spread as far as the can and will attack planets with the most value first.

Underworld AI will Attack who ever is the closets or it finds first, will continually attack them until they are defeated or they them selves come under attack from another team. They will sacrifice units to win and typically will not run. For GC mode they spy and undermine the other teams with sabotage, and with large armies will usually attack planets with weak defenses first.

I hope this helps. I know I have some blank XML files for this where all you need to do is fill in faction info like names, buildables, and blank upgrades as well. Once I find them I will just post those so people can copy/ paste/ and fill in the blanks. Again sorry for the wait.

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Flashy_3 - - 322 comments

How would we go about making a basic starbase?

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Vernerl - - 7 comments

I dunno if you still support this tutorial, but why are there weird dots in the download links...?

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forest2001 - - 2 comments

so he doesn't have to type the entire link?

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Vernerl - - 7 comments

Yeah, but if you click on them they still open with the dots.

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Femmie - - 44 comments

How can i for example add a already existing character in a faction onfoc as a hero. For example:
I use the Mod: Battlefront Commander on Forces of Corruption. and i see that republic has "Jedi Knight" as one of the main infantry.

How can i like copy that jedi knight and make him/her a hero?

The General question here is: How can you add a character to a faction?

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