With high physical attack power, warriors always stand in front of teammates. Thanks to their strong power and energetic stamina, they can destroy the enemy’s defense thoroughly.
Main Weapon: Sword
Main Spell: Blaze Swing (Wields a sword with both hands to attack enemies in a transverse row, inflicting massive damage
Mages have powerful magic to sweep multiple enemies and can cause additional special effects. However, they have low defense and may easily run into danger once they are suffering from fierce physical attacks.
Main Weapon: Two-handed Staff
Main Spell: Wind Storm (Calls down the elemental power of wind to attack all enemies).
The greatest advantage of priests lies in their healing spells and supporting beneficial effects. They can give strong support to the teammates as well as help remove harmful effects from allies remove.
Main Weapon: One-handed Wand
Main Spell: Dawn Light (Heals all friendly units).
Loving freedom, rangers are willing to travel around instead of being bound in a small space. With mighty ranged attacks, they can easily hit the target before their enemy becomes conscious of the danger.
Main Weapon: Bow
Main Spell: Piercing Shot (Shoots at enemies in a lengthways row, inflicting massive damage).