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I'm going to explain how to fix a common rendering glitch with TROR, that also creates a clipping issues when you can shoot through the TROR divide.

Posted by on - Intermediate Mapping/Technical

I should mention polymer renders TROR without issues. But the clipping issue is still there. So this is worth learning, even if you only use polymer rendering for your maps. To prevent gameplay bugs.

Ever worked with True Room Over Room and created this glitch with a platform or hole? This often happens with a 360 degree view. It's related to the Build Engine not knowing what to properly render first.


Well, Vector Slicing also works with TROR. This glitch can easily be resolved. It's not quite the same method as Pizza Vector Slicing. Though it uses a similar principle. By dividing the sectors, you would view.

Now let's take a look as all the sector and vectors. To better understand what's happening.


If you look closely. You'll notice there is no device to the sectors outside the middle. Meaning, It will render all the sectors in view, at the same time. Because the Build Engine doesn't know what to render first.

Well then, let's divide those outside sectors up like an apple. This is best done before making the TROR divided sectors. First, you slice the vectors outside the core (platform or hole) in at least 4 angles.


If it looks like this? You've done it right. Now this will allow the Build Engine to know what sectors need to be seen first and last. Rather then render everything and glitch out on what can be seen in view.

Now let's take a look at that platform well it's being rendered. Since we divided those sectors.


See, no more glitches or clipping issues. This is because now the Build Engine knows what to render, based on your field of view. This also works in software more rendering, making it a lot more stable.

Thank you for reading this. If you want a better understanding of how it works?

Feel free to download the map from these pictures.
Apple Vector Slicing file - Duke Nukem 3D - Mod DB

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