Post news RSS Zniw Adventure dev news - now with a proper Steam page!

A proper Steam page! Improved trailer! New screenshots! More animations!

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Hello dinosaur fans!

Phew, finally we properly got out of the Greenlight (man, remember this one?). In other words - Zniw Adventure now has a proper Steam page (along with an improved trailer and several new screenshots)! Hey, if you enjoyed the adventures of our dino lady so far, why not wishlist the game? ;)

Zniw Adventure Steam header

As I mentioned before, several new screenshots were also added. You can view them on the game's IndieDB site as well.

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Can't have an update post without some new animations! Since we're halfway creating the longest FMV in the game (the intro cutscene), we sure do have some material to share with you!


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Before we end this update, remember the Digital Dragons event we mentioned in the May post? Here's a photo of our table, along with our stand from Cracow Game Days we also attended in the meantime! Thanks for everyone who visited us and gave our game a go!

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And that's all what we wanted to share with you today. Until next update, everyone!

Twarda & Kurasiu

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