Hi muchachos, we have some good news here, it will blow your mind, totally insane… bah, I’m kidding, we are still working on a lot of things at the same time, I don’t go to Corridas de Toros, Chico does not cook paella, and Max doesn’t eat croissants any more. We are all focused on the game.
Catequesis will be huge, a deep story, multiple possibilities, bosses, items…
Chico: Maybe too huge, don’t you think?
Well, yes, at the beginning, we wanted to do something really simple and short. Now we are making a cosmic odyssey. The length is not the big problem, rather the story and the puzzles: we don’t want to fill the time with repetitions, we are trying to surprise the player in each room, and that’s the big work.
Chico: mmm… sounds like we will not release the game this fall.
The game will be release this fall… the good question is “The fall of which hemisphere?”.
Here we have the amazing fanart made by Kit
If you like it, you can visit his deviantart page here: Art-kit.deviantart.com