X-Mas Event for everyone
It is that christmassy time of the year again, as you might know in order to properly celebrate you need to eat lots of turkey and candy while not exploding and also smash lots of snowmen to snowy bits.
Everyone can do that starting now in Last Knight, both the Big X-mas Chow Down mode and the Big X-mas Mow Down mode are unlocked for everyone and that also includes everyone who don't even own the game! Just download the special X-Mas demo on the store page:
Here is a little run down on the Big X-mas Chow Down mode:
You will also find lots more presents with randomly generated hat inside in the Endless modes while the X-mas event lasts!
Wonders of the World:
I know most of you never made it to a Wonder of the World in the Rogue Rider Adventure mode because it is a darn brutal world and they are very hard to find and reach. To those of you who got one or even all 7: Congratulations!
Everyone can now check out all the wonders in their 3 dimensional glory on Sketchfab: Sketchfab.com
Free game Forklift Man:
I participated in the recent Ludum Dare game jam and created Forklift Man.
Forklift Man is a video game hero unlike any other, his superpower is that he can grow his limbs rapidly at will. In this small game his power must be put in good use among various challenges and puzzles.
Do you have what it takes to be Forklift Man? Will you use your superpower responsible? Find out now, it is up here for grabs:
very nice