This is primarily a graphical update (pretty cool if I do say so myself), with some framework installed to pave the way for the Special Edition units to be made available through Steam.
What's that? You don't know about the Special Edition? That was a cool bit of fluff I made for the PWYW deal on IndieGameStand a while back, if you beat the average price during the sale you got to download the 'Special Edition' of the game. The only difference being that it included 6 additional units; three ranged gunpowder units and three melee golem units, a bunch of people who missed the sale expressed an interest in grabbing the extra units so I decided to add them as DLC on Steam. They should be coming out sometime within the next few weeks, I've been really busy lately but I'm making the time to get them set up.
Oh also the game on Steam and IndieGameStand now includes Linux versions! Yay! I' expecting problems with that so if you have any please let me know, I'll try and address them as quickly as possible.
As for other changes there is now an end-battle screen that tells you how many units you lost, how many of them recovered after being struck down, and also how many enemy units you killed.
! ! Heads up ! ! With Desura going down I advise anyone who purchased the game through Desura who even has a passing interest in this game grab a Steam Key for this game through your Desura account, in case the website goes dark.
That's about it, thanks for stopping by and let me know what you think about the new graphics!
~ Heftig