We've discovered that Unreal Tournament 2kX's engine is a lot easier to mod, and easier to implement our work in, so we're developing for UT2K4 right now, in hopes of porting to 2K7 once we have a large enough team/fanbase. You can help! Whether you're giving us some great artwork,

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We've discovered that Unreal Tournament 2kX's engine is a lot easier to mod, and easier to implement our work in, so we're developing for UT2K4 right now, in hopes of porting to 2K7 once we have a large enough team/fanbase. You can help! Whether you're giving us some great artwork, support on our forums, or just spreading the word, you can help Warriors of the Apocalypse come out faster (Which is what we all want, right?) A lot of our team have experienced a heavy dose of real-life (modder's kryptonite) so we (I) could use a lot more help. It's no surprise we've been short on updates lately, now you know why.

With that being said, feel free to visit our new website, it's under construction but there’s some stuff to keep you busy (The Armory section) and as always, the forum welcomes newcomers.

Once we have enough for a stable release on 2K4 (Which isn't very far off, just need to rig our characters and get some good maps together), all forum members will be invited to play with the devteam.

We still need more animators, and talented 3d artists for level assets. Also, someone extremely talented with Unreal script would be much appreciated. Keep the faith! User Posted Image

st0lve - - 51 comments

you just ban the people who throw up suggestions and such.

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Morganhahaha Author
Morganhahaha - - 11 comments

Still don't have a life? :( Sorry to hear that. Good luck!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Chunky - - 1,415 comments

Morgan, do you want another warning? Cut the crap and stop the flaming. As for your news post, not gonna happen with me.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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