Post news RSS World Destroyers Highlight - Race

When you're not busy fighting back the alien horde, kick back for a little racin'! Race your friends and the fastest records both in and out of the Story Mode.

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Fellow spaceship pilot Red loves winding down with a little spaceship racing.

Race Briefing

During the Story Mode, you'll have an opportunity to beat Red's best times on his impromptu 2D space tracks. Fly laps by passing each checkpoint in order, while avoiding the immobile and indestructible rocks placed on the track.

Race Turn

The races can be played outside of the story, too. Since the ships don't affect each other, players can compete while attempting to set a record time.

The craft have the same floaty space controls as in the rest of the game, so it can be mighty tough to avoid those rocks at high speed. Good luck!

There's lots of ways to play World Destroyers, and all of them allow up to four players at once. Check them out at our official site!

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