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Level Building, Promoting, Template Work and Finding Bugs

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We have started to promote Wyv and Keep and so far the response has been everything we've hoped for. We're getting a pretty solid amount of interest for a debut, and it's giving us some ideas on how to proceed next. We even have someone who's interested in doing the sound and music that we have been needing.

Beyond promoting, we have been continuing to test the engine and track down those pesky bugs. The problem with a game like this, where there are numerous objects that all need to interact with one another with specific behaviors, is that a lot of issues can be overlooked when objects are not used as expected. David hasn't seen everything an object might have been intended to do, so as I'm building levels, I am coming across a lot of instances where I want to use them in a particularly devious way, but I need him to modify the objects' interactions to allow for it.

Jesse has been tuning up the first world to make the environments flow better between levels (while each level is independent of one another, they have a degree of carry a river might start in one frame and then continue into the next, culminating as a small pond in a third level).

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