Post news RSS WizardWizard: Update Log: The Sound of Silence

WuzardWizard has a mute button... finally. A little update, and other things.

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WizardWizard Log 6

The Sound of Science update:
AKA: I am alive

Hey, hi, hello.
It's been a couple of weeks, just because of life getting in the way. Just letting you know I'm still here and hoping to get the show on the road once again.
I've updated WizardWizard, and added in the 3 demo levels of SmartSaws and Flying Keys shown off in the last log.
I also added a Mute Button for the music, which is toggled by the "M" key. (Mainly for my de-bugging sanity but I'm sure those who don't like kickass beats will appreciate it to.)

Latest version can be played here:
Play WizardWizard 2.1 Now!

For those who haven't seen WizardWizard floating about on the IndieDB interwebs, here is a description I've made from the top of my head just now.
WizardWizard is one of those "new aged" platformer games, its fun, challenging, and love-tickling frustrating in all the right ways. You're a Wizard, you can't do magic, but you can jump pretty good.
WizardWizard is great fun with mates, in lunch breaks, and when you're pretending to do work at school.
The controls are pretty tight and you have instant re-spawns and no game overs, so you can even let your girlfriend play it and not worry about your progress. Seriously, it's great to play with people and it's like 6mb, so you download it and put it on your USB for emergencies, hell it's small enough you could probably chuck it on a Calculator Watch.
Have some fun :)

Thanks all,

PS. The first person who can beat WizardWizard on Hardcore (hit F3 on the title screen to get to Hardcore ninja mode) and show me video evidence, I'll work out some sort of fun prize of no monetary value and show off your skills to everyone!

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