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This is a game I am making on my own called Wizard Madness. It is a 2D Platformer where you control the Wentworth the Wizard, and your objective is to get through all the levels while collecting orbs for certain powers, food for high-scores, and keys to unlock locks and get through the doors which lead on through the levels.

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Hello all, this is the first news article I am writing regarding the 2D platformer I am creating called Wizard Madness. Hope you enjoy!

Game Features:

Orb collection which will give Wentworth special abilities like being able to shoot fireballs, ice crystals, and more abilities like this are currently being implemented.

Collection of food which can raise your high score and can land you a spot on the Top Ten list.

7+ levels will be made for the first alpha release of the game. They will all feature different types of monsters, orb collections, food, and clever obstacles the player must pass in order to win the game with a nice high-score.

Thank you for your time, and stay tuned for more news updates for Wizard Madness!
-- Robert B.

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