Post news RSS WIP torward a private alpha release(Feedback needed)

An online game demonstration of the current state of the game. Work torward a private alpha release. This is a vital stage of the game where your feedback is needed.

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I am working torward a closed alpha. I want to uplaod an alpha to Desura which won't cost money but will be by invitation only.
The reason I want a closed alpha is so people will be able to play the game and give feedback. I would like to upload something that will be a decent gameplay experience, but I also know that it would take quite a lot of playtesting and feedback to get that right gameplay expereince.
Currently the game is not very balance, some units are overpowered, and the strategy board is not final. I am also missing one unit(Gilgamesn), and there is also only one army type(duplicated into the two sides).

This is an online gameplay between me and my friend. I am sure it's far from being the experience I want, but maybe it's good enough to start a closed alpha?
What do you think of the game from the video?
Do you have any suggestions? Any player attacks and abilites you think that I should remove\add?
Would you like to be an early adopter of the game and try play against others and give feedback at this current state?
Maybe I should also make a meta server before releasing a closed alpha. A meta server is a server that help players find matchs against each other. Kind of like when games have a list of server you can join and refresh.
As alwasy, your feedback is very important, please provide any. :)

formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

Its a bit difficult to distinguish friendly units from enemy units when they're in the center. I'd recommend adding some visual indicators of some kind (like a different colour shirt or colour scheme for the unit).

That's all I can think of right now.

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PompiPompi Author
PompiPompi - - 116 comments

I guess you are right. Part of it is that the two armies are suppose to be different, they are the same right now because I didn't make the other armies' sprites. But I guess I should think of how to make it clear which unit belongs to which side. Thanks.

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