Post news RSS WIP Geonosis: Grounded // Update (1/4)

I’ve been working on a map for TCWR called Geonosis: Grounded for the past month. This map will feature the Bantha Squad for the Galactic Republic and for the Separatist Alliance they will have an arsenal of battle droids fresh from the droid factory.

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Geonosis: Grounded

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas/having a great holiday. First here are some screenshots of the map. Keep in mind that this is a WIP map, so not much progress has been in terms of level design as you can tell by the screenshots. DISCLAIMER: Some of the screenshots are using the graphics mod made by Harrison Fog which you can download here:

As we enter the new year 2019 watch out for some awesome map updates that Cyber is currently developing. We are currently looking into supporting i2Bros with TBOTCW and vise versa after many requests to merge the mods on Discord, but this is not confirmed, so please don’t expect it.

A balance patch that I worked on based on feed back: nerfed the Commando Droids by giving them a lower fire rate and a health increase

Watch till the end of the video to see a cool quick Darth Sidious VS Yoda scene in the back ground near the entrance.

*Make sure to set the video to 720p*

<Geonosis: Grounded>

05F30D6E 2086 4D54 9D47 099C72D9

2BB9D0B7 1B8B 4256 8AA0 FC758D29

80DAFECF A51B 4C40 B89C 7E6EAC36

DCF43648 A84B 4234 A0DA 449E8068

013605B2 0D43 4FF2 B8AB C36C3F02

B8537C4B C44F 48F8 A07B DE011234

8E8FFE57 BAB6 4385 AB97 207CB15B

E31BF818 6C2D 4ED3 B2AD CDFA3315

192D4ADF 70B3 486A 9478 5D47EC5A

A15068B3 64DA 4CDB AB8E 13512962

Enough of the previews now. Let’s discuss the map itself and it’s goals. The map is going to be a ground to sky vise versa sky to ground. On the ground visibility is decreased by a sandstorm that will remain through the match, however while your above the ground visibility is increased with no sandstorm in sight. There are two current game modes that are planned: Vinilla Conquest, Custom game mode: Grounded which has you the player holding out for a certain amount of time (5 minutes is currently planned) while the CIS try to siege your position using ANY means necessary (REP will have support). The map will use most of the terrain giving the user more areas to explore during each gameplay. The terrain is planned to have a underground system, CIS holdouts, and rigid terrain with many obstacles. The REP will be able to spawn in the Republic Attack Venator to hop into support ships that can turn the tide of the ground battle. Easter eggs are planned... Feel free to ask any questions down below regarding TCWR in the comments section.

Current Issues:

  • Performance: Due to the high effect count in this map. This map may cause major lag. The graphics mod is not recommended for this map as it makes the lag even worse and makes the sandstorm 10x worse, than intended making the map un-playable (unless you like a challenge). - This only affects bad PC(s) if your PC is powerful and can run a triple a game, then don’t worry about this issue.

TCWR is currently working on maps, re-textures, and improving the AI and gameplay based on feedback such as the Commando Droid video above. We are constantly looking out for bugs, so if you could help us test the DEMO version and give feedback that would make the DEV team very happy:

For more updates on maps such as this or TCWR mod updates join the Discord server for more information. We are always happy to welcome more users into our fan base.

Make sure to follow the mod by clicking the follow button on TCWR mod page’s mod watch button to stay up to date with updates when they launch.

945E439C 5CC6 41EE B597 B0CB6129

Toodles till next time - LitFam

DarthSith - - 1,721 comments

Lookin Pretty Cool :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Cyberctf346 - - 411 comments

I haven’t seen geonosis yet. But it looks good!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
COMRADEMATT - - 1,016 comments

that venator looks amazing!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Cyberctf346 - - 411 comments

Yes it does

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
VanillaThunder1984 - - 11 comments

So when is the beta!?!?

...jk, lookin' good man.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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