After almost two years, finally, Wild Team is proud to announce the first gameplay video of Wild Bot.It's still an alpha version, but quite close to the final look.We hope you like it! Any feedback it'll be more than welcome.
Wild Bot gameplay from Juanan Jimenez Montes on Vimeo.
It looks very nice and fun to explore.
But iam a bit confused of the design theme?
You guys seam to mix real textures and objects with a cartoon style?
I could break the overall experience if the design is not unified.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way as it whas only a feeling I got while watching :)
Love wath you have going here.
Hi Team_Space_Kitten
I'm really greatful fro your comment, I wish there were more like yours!
The result of this different styles is because we are two designers, one focused in the characters and one for the scenarios. We've been working since the beginning on mind to let each other do his own style...
That's true we havent defined a single unified style for everything, because actually we did like the scenarios more realistic and the characters more cartoonish/realistic.