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Me explaining what's special about this specific story.

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I am going to type down some of the things which is making this story special. I will not type anything which will spoil the gameplay so don't worry about that.

1: It will be possible to die by "hitting the ground too hard". In other words, if you, for example, jump from a high height, like from the top of high stairs, rocks, balconies etc, you will die. It's possible to survive even if you jump from top of a building in almost every story I've played.

2: You will spend some time with an NPC during a couple of missions and talk with strangers in some other (you are for once NOT the only person alive :D).

3: Money system. It's not the classic "find cash and unlock chests" thing. I wanted to do that first but changed my mind due to a bug which made every chest free to use if you saved and exit and continued to play.

You will be able to find some money bags here and there (kinda like Dark Case "bonus keys") and sometimes get a little cash for completing certain missions and spend them in stores or bars. What you get from the store and the bars are random, so it's not 100% sure you will get the same items every time. The bar can give you Beer (HP potions) and Wine (sanity potions) and the store can give you oil, tinderboxes and meat (also used to gain HP, but more effective than beer).

4: Lees special ability. Lee (the character you play as) has a special investigation ability. You will be able to search around for clues during some missions (sometimes a must, sometimes optional) and when every clue in the area has been analyzed, Lee will "see" what happened like a flashback.

5: A hotel. You will check in to a hotel during the first mission. You can, in the hotel, buy potions at the bartender, listen to music, play piano and relax between the missions. You will also be able to "sleep" by clicking on your bed. When used, the time will change. If it's night, it will turn to daytime. If it's day, it will turn to nighttime. Some missions will only be possible to take when it's dark and some of them only when it's daytime.

Some missions will be far away from the hotel, while some of them will be nearby. You can, during the missions which are near the hotel, cancel them at anytime, go to the hotel and continue the nearby missions at later time.

fiuuuuuuh - - 1,138 comments

That reminds me more of Skyrim or Fallout that an usual Amnesia style, but that is way more better than gigantic mansion rooms filled with absolute nothingness.

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CheesyDeveloper Author
CheesyDeveloper - - 1,555 comments

Never played Skyrim or Fallout but it's going to be like Amnesia but with some special features and not a very linear story where you go from one room to the next and must find a way out of the castle.

And no rooms will be empty so don't worry about that

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fiuuuuuuh - - 1,138 comments

I can't really expect any lame level design or any uninflected storyline from you to be honest:D

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CheesyDeveloper Author
CheesyDeveloper - - 1,555 comments

Yeah, I got enough experience to know that big empty rooms and cliche story lines like "omg you have been kidnapped by monsters, find a way out" isn't getting very positive responses ;)

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ilmutus - - 258 comments

Amnesia : Arkham Asylum


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CheesyDeveloper Author
CheesyDeveloper - - 1,555 comments


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