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Check out what we are working on right now and expect major update in upcoming weeks.

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Thank you all for joining us and all your feedback!

We just had a fantastic first 3 days with so many people playing and enjoying Panorama and we couldn't be more happier about it!

While some players are still trying to win the game other may be already bored with crushing high scores. Is that all that Panorama can offer? Far from it!

You asked us for Achievements, new buildings, new animals, new modes, weekly/monthly(?) modes, key bindings, camera settings, farther zoom and few other quality of life upgrades?

Lets to them all! (although it may take up to few months)

Check out what we are working on right now and expect major update in upcoming weeks but first quick changelog of recent fixes:



You can get only one Cat Statue (Final Monument)
Changed Cat Statue’s description to mention that it removes remaining tiles for points
Tile counter now properly displays their amount after loading a finished game


Better visibility for points indicator


FPS locked on 60
Added few anti-cheat solutions (still working on more)
Fixed vanishing saves
Fixed game crashes if demo version was present before
Fixed game crashes in some particular situations


Achievements are coming soon!

You can catch a quick sneak peak below and we hope that will bring you some additional challenges, fun and meaning to playing Panorama ;D

Please note its work in progress and not proofread:

NEW Challenge mode

This is a top priority for us at the moment.

This new mode will feature much harder points system that will however come with some permanent perks and masteries that will carry over to your next games!

Challenge mode:

PerksEvery time you build o monument or reach certain criteria you will be able to choose one from 3 permanent perks that will carry on to your future games.

Those perks will bring new interactions between tiles, they will upgrade your structures skills, give you more points for certain tasks etc.

They will also give you an opportunity to personalize your play style while reaching to the top!
Here are some WIP photos of UI and rough ideas for new perks!

Please note its work in progress early prototype and not proofread:

Challenge mode:

MasteriesEach time you win a game you will be able to choose one of 3 masteries. Once you start new game you will be able to select any masteries you want and they will make your games harder in certain ways but they will also give you a very nice final score multiplicator.
Check out some rough Masteries ideas below!

(yes the text and names below are just placeholders:)

Please note its work in progress early prototype and not proofread:

Weekly/Monthly Challanges

Next after challenge mode we will introduce Weekly/Monthly challenges. We would love of course to do weekly ones but do not know yet if that will be possible. Maybe biweekly will be an answer? We will see.
Anyway those will be not just a simple point and abilities tweaks, we want to start off with some real game changes here that we have toyed with in the past. Check out 2 sneak peaks for now!

1. Puzzle mode - there is no single tile in the mode and you have to manage by using only multi tiles and quests to build up your structures and map:

2. Trash mode where whole map is filled with trash and you need to build the houses around the trash to remove it so you can expand your map!

3. We want to also bring you thematic challenges like:
Animal theme where everything is worth 0 points but animals are worth 100 each and another 100 for clicking it.

Or City theme where every single tile has a house and there is no limit on house structures.
Anyway you get the idea!

New Buildings

There are already lots of buildings in the works with exciting new skills to use in game!
Check out some of them below and we hope they will bring you a even more joy and strategic planning to your future Panorama games!

New Animals

You can also expect much more animals in upcoming weeks and new bigger focus on them in terms of game play. Some animals will now give more points one clicking on them and will interact with new building skills! Check out those cute Chickens, Cows, Goats and Rabbits below.

Other upcoming features:

Windowed borderless mode

This is something some of you asked and we will work on that as well for future patches!

Key bidings / Full controller support

This is a very big topic and it will not come that soon but once we start porting we will introduce a full controller support with key bindings into our game.
We hope that you can manage to stick to current setup until this time!

zoom in / zoom out / faster camera

We want to introduce more camera options and we are working on it right now. Further zoom out may need a bit more time as we need better graphic optimization for that but we will get there!

MAC os

Yes we definitely want to do a MAC version and it should be available in few months!

Other Announcements:


Last but not least we have our first highscore cheaters! We are working on some solutions but before they go live we would like to ask you to just do not cheat ;p

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