Post news RSS What is Thanatophobia?

The new PC game Thanatophobia, by devoted and independent development team "Death Knell Games", is sure to dig deep into your mind and pique your curiosity in an atmospheric and horrific environment.The game is a brand new entry into the forgotten world of old school, third person survival/horror, with focus on puzzle solving and storytelling over intense action.

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Death Knell Games

Who are we?

Death Knell Games is a small but well driven and hardy team of independent gamers. The group originated in London, England but has since expanded to an international level spanning England and Sweden.


We at Death Knell Games are entirely self funded compensating with drive and a love for games. With Death Knell Games we are developing games for a more mature audience that cares more about puzzle solving and taking time to soak in the atmosphere rather than battling it out under constant gunfire.
Why did we come together?The members in the group all share a common interest and passion for horror games. Our united care for the survival-horror genre drove us to one conclusion: To bring back the old school, story driven, survival-horror genre to the modern audience and breathe some fresh air into a genre that we know and love.
So where exactly has this taken us as a team as well as individuals? It leads to this, the fruits of our labor: "Thanatophobia".

What is Thanatophobia?

The new game PC game Thanatophobia is sure to dig deep into your mind and pique your curiosity in an atmospheric and horrific environment.
The game is a brand new entry into the forgotten world of old school, third person, survival-horror, with focus on puzzle solving and storytelling over intense action. Delve into Thanatophobia's immersive storyline, combine items, solve riddles and combat disturbing enemies to overcome your fears.

The team behind it all

Death Knell Games consists of the core team along with a handful of devoted extras. The founding members of the team were John Pearce (Team leader, art- materials- and model director) and Danny Goodayle (Lead developer). In the summer of 2011 the team expanded with newcomer Andreas Schouten from Sweden who took on the writing and narrative role. John and Danny originally aspired to simply create something substantial out of Unreal Engine 3 without slipping into simple drag and drop methods. Once the foundations had been laid out and the core team was settled, what originally started out as a little project on the side became a proper game in the making.

We do things our way

With Thanatophobia we've tried to keep a majority of carefully tailored custom assets and code, to provide a deep yet horrifying atmosphere with originality. Thanatophobia is being built using the Unreal Development Kit (May 2011 build).

Aimforthehead - - 274 comments

Awesome :)

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IvanErtlov - - 342 comments

Has this anything to do with the original Thanatophobia made by Serygala, which made 2nd in the Scariest Game contest?

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Warrozo Author
Warrozo - - 74 comments

Sadly we had no idea there was a game out there called Thanatophobia until we announced on IndieDB, we do not have any connection to Serygala (Although his game does look brilliant!).

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