Post news RSS What I coded today.

Here's a short article on what I did in the game today.

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Joshua Wilson:

I worked on a lot of things today as far as preparations for the tech demo go. I finally finished and implemented the Inventory, Quest, and Mobile Saving systems. I already explained how the quest system will work in a previous episode and it still requires a bit more work before it is finished. I also cleaned up the combat system(again) and I am excited to present to you a new feature: Range system. Basically you and your enemy can move closer and farther from each other during battle and this increases the chance to dodge to a varying degree for both. So all in all, today was a good day.

Seann Sutton:

-fixed continent scaling (which is a big deal behind closed doors, the entire planet was originally the size of America),

-worked on the road map

-added a new significant character to the game (may be future follower or questholder, not sure yet) that can be found just outside Inciprim

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