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It's about time for an update mateys! I'll try to recap what's been going on the past 14 days.

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It's about time for an update mateys! I'll try to recap what's been going on the past 14 days. Remember that we share news as soon as they happen on our Facebook page and through our Twitter account. Yes, it's a beautiful indie media web 2.1 social news world. Did you like/follow? Good, I'll quickly sum up everything here anway:

  • You ask about the "Indie Of The Year 2010" competition? Oh it's ON! We made it on the Top 100 "upcoming" indie titles list! Good work space pirates. Now let's make our competitors in the "platformers" subsection walk the plank! 3, 2, 1 VOTE!

(click image to get to the Top 100 indie titles overview)

  • I spent 5 days away from home last week. I visited Michael in Copenhagen, met some old friends from Crytek days. Then I rode to Hamburg, caught up with Soenke, some other friends and attended the Game City Night 2010. The developer scene is clearly dominated by companies developing browser games. BigPoint, InnoGames and Ticking Bomb Games to name a few. It would have made more sense for networking if I had scheduled a meeting with somebody at the event, but it was intended to be more of a casual get together anyway (think "company christmas party"). ;)
  • Soenke wrote down an epic storyline and all locations, items etc. for the full game. It's still a draft but it's very promising and if youthink the prototype was cool, let me tell you: you ain't seen nothing yet! :)

I think that covers the most important topics. Have a great grand weekend mateys!

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