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Paddle Wars: Hit The Wall got pushed from November to January... But why?

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Someone pointed to me that this game was shown on the video of the 2010 Indie of the Year Awards.

I don't expect to win at all, maybe not even reach the Top50, but it made me happy that someone was still paying some attention.

Currently I have no fan support, no e-mails, no messages, no visitors in irc channel, no people in the forums, not even "like" clicks on Facebook. This made me lower the priority of the game, I figured that without fans, they would not mind if I delayed the game.

The game was delayed actually a long time ago, but I don't even bothered to inform you people, my mistake, I should have been honest earlier.

But anyway, the game was pushed to January, it will be released during Campus Party Brazil 2011, and a arcade cabinet will be there with the game, I think that this is the best way to attract some attention to the game.

For now I am working in other stuff to get some money, since I see not even "moral support" from fans, it is pointless to work in the game as high priority without getting any money at all, so sorry, but I delayed the game so I could work in another game that pays me.

You know, a programmer eats too ;)

So, that is basically it, if you want to suggest stuff, there are still plenty time to go, if you want to complain, plenty time too...

And if you want to convince me otherwise that you really like the game, vote for it on the Yearly Awards, I would really appreciate it.

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