Post news RSS We're still alive!

Good day! I've recieved a few emails asking if this is still being worked on, because we haven't posted many screenshot or videos - like the delayed developer discussions. Well, as we're a small team of 23 people, most of them being voice actors. It's quite hard for us to find time to show you guys awesome information!

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Good day!
I've recieved a few emails asking if this is still being worked on, because we haven't posted many screenshot or videos - like the delayed developer discussions. Well, as we're a small team of 23 people, most of them being voice actors. It's quite hard for us to find time to show you guys awesome information!

We've got a video in-development for you guys, another developer commentary by our scriptwriter - Chaoticpix93! (Martha K.) Which will come out Friday at 8:30GMT, then it will follow weekly. Also, we're in an on-going journey to recieve Funding, thats right folks'! We need funding for licences, equipment, (Including but not limited to: Microphones, tools (Like Source(TM)) and more.

If you want to show your love for our project. We'll create a link for you to follow and drop your dollar in the box, that'll be announced on our Homepage shortly. Inc. other ways you can support us! We're also thinking about starting a KickStarter project. With rewards like signed posters, Subscriptions, and even BETA keys!

Also, A lot of you are saying that Genetic Science is a clone of Portal, with a different name - Well, It's similar, and it's set in the same universe. But the portals are SLIGHTLY different. We may post a sneak peak in a few weeks, we just need to brush it off first!

Thanks For reading!
Callan C.
Winning Studios
Creative Director.

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