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Welp! its been a while since we've updated the moddb profile of the i decided i'd update it =). ive added plenty of new images to the image gallery (maps, models, wallpaper). Not a lot of progress from the team here because DonX left for vacation a month back, but Par, me and Xan have been holding

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Welp! its been a while since we've updated the moddb profile of the i decided i'd update it =). ive added plenty of new images to the image gallery (maps, models, wallpaper). Not a lot of progress from the team here because DonX left for vacation a month back, but Par, me and Xan have been holding X-Buster together. Par is whippin us up a whole new, unique layout, with new forums. Xan's been whippin up some maps (as seen in the image gallery), but he needs some help. He cant do all the mappin by if you're intested in helpin us out, please email us, We're also in need of a coder (again). We realize an experienced coder is hard to find..but that would help boost XB's progress. We're short on staff, and are accepting people who are willing to help us out. The current staff members are:

- Par (Web Designer/Web Master/Texture Artist(Occasionally))
- DonX (Modeler/Animator/Skinner)
- Xan (Mapper)
- Omega-X (Former Coder/PR)
- ffmusicdj (All Sound)

please standby for updates =), we're doin the best we can with what little staff we have.

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