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This group is here for the fans of KOG's Law mod for Sins of a Solar Empire:Rebellion.

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We have been looking for a better way at getting feedback and finding people to test the mod. Here you will soon be able to test the mods and play them before they are even finished.

1. Our Goal

  • Our goal is to keep you informed and updated on what is going on and what opportunities there are for you within the creation of KOG's Law. We wanted to get feedback faster so this was our option.

Soon we will have a new version of the mod available to play but for now bare with us as we are working on this. We have ideas for many new things within the mod. One subject that I have noticed being brought up is that the Militias are all TEC. We will change this up a bit and maybe add a captial ship or two defending the neutral worlds. The random event Open Rebellion is being fixed by the Dev's so that will not be touched and will remain as is until their next update. I am hoping that we can get more input on this mod as time goes on. Thank you and enjoy.


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