Too Many games was a blast And I got a lot of good feedback.
The main feedback that merited changes was:
- Attack area is too small and players had a hard time landing hits
- Animation speed on attacks was too slow
- A few bugs where the slope exceeded the limit set by the character controller
So in response I went through and made the following changes:
- Attack area increased by x1.5
- Attack speed increased by x1.25 - x1.5 (depending on attack)
- cleaned up the ground a bit to eliminate catch point
A few additional changes
- Inventory unload bug for demo fixed
- Moved GUI from old Unity GUI method to Canvas system
- more distinct inventor item icons
Added to Undercog:
- The Znail Sapper
- A Smaller single use version of the Znail with a higher movement speed that dies on attack
- the concept for this enemy is an aggressive immature Znail that might not have a handle on it's discharge ability yet.
Changes still pending:
- Discard method for inventory
- Item descriptions in Inventory Screen