Weekly Wrap-up Highlights #1:
01/24/2016 - 02/07/2016
Hi everyone!
In the last couple of weeks, I spent the majority of my time introducing new map artwork. After comparing the vector combat maps against the pixel adventure maps I realized they really weren’t going to match well. Originally I was hoping they would, but it didn’t quite work out that way.
I’ve now updated both maps to use a different artwork base which seems to work well with the characters still. I’m hoping this will work out for the best.
Bug Fixes and Updates
- Made a minor bug fix to the Priority node in the decision tree’s for when it gets called multiple times.
- Updated the event checking for decision tree’s to allow us to have “core” events (non-custom events) that are sent from the game engine itself. For now we only have the one for allowing the tree’s to check if the player is near an NPC or not.
- Updated collision detection to use map objects are barriers as well as the previous collision tile markers. This allows me to create the sometimes-needed oddly shaped barriers.
- Continued to adjust resolution handling with the new artwork.
- Found (and believe fixed) a couple of minor screen glitches when moving around the maps.
- Made some adjustments to the collision detection for odd shaped layouts.
Now onto some fun stuff !
Updated Town Map
Earlier this week I spent some time working on some new town art. In the end though I really didn’t like the direction it was heading so I scraped it.
I’m going to continue using the artwork for the adventure maps I posted earlier as I really liked it and it does seem to fit quite well.
I then turned my focus back to the town maps and (for now) since I’m still in development I’ve decided I’m going to use the original pixel-based town art, but apply a smoothing filter on it to make it match slightly better.
I’d like to believe this is matching pretty decently, but eventually this map will be replaced with a more suitable one once additional artwork is created in the longer term future.
Updated Forest/Mountain Area
Here are a couple of screen shots taken from the (in progress) updates to the forest just outside of the town.
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