Post news RSS Weekly Update 41

This weekend's update presents Rose, talks about our local natural disaster, and A bit of sad news. Oh, fan art and sketches too!

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Huge update this weekend! I'm sorry it's up so late, the power went out again today so I just couldn't get it done and uploaded earlier.

Anyhow, we've had one hell of an ice storm in my neck of the woods. There's still over an inch of ice on every exposed surface outside. But at least the power is back on! Which means I can get back to work!

So yeah, Rose. Rose is Nathan's wife, and her story will revolve around how her love for Nathan and her desire to have a "normal" relationship will push her to have Lynn and Dina turn her into a man. Because you know, the genderswap caused by the original explosion can't be undone (though those that take place afterwards can! Different methods and all!).

Oh, and check out my fanart of Lust from sincomics here!

As for the sketches at the bottom, I think I'll flesh them out when I can muster up free time (probably after we release Dina!). Anyhow, here are our usual links!

Please Vote for us on steam greenlight!

You can purchase gender bender DNA Twister Extreme right here on Desura (and if we get through greenlight, you get a steam key!)

oh, and if anyone wants to join us in the chatroom :

Euphie - - 1 comments

No need to apologise just happy to hear everyone is alright. I know some people who weren't as lucky with the storms over the Christmas season.

Also these weekly updates are fantastic. It really nice to hear from ye constantly while the development is ongoing. Keep up the good work!

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Carowsonge - - 3 comments

No worries, a holiday should be holiday for you too.

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dracoarthur2002 - - 1 comments

How do you go about getting the updates?

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