Post news RSS Weekly Update #19: New Character Unveiled and It's a New Year with High Hopes!

Hey guys, this update brings a new character's reveal, as promised last week, and more info on Kyle, the main character, as well as some possible speculation.

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Hey guys, this update brings a new character's reveal, as promised last week, and more info on Kyle, the main character, as well as some possible speculation.

So, Tori is Kyle's support. For an analogy, think sorta like Grim is to Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell or Cortana to The Chief, Merc to Faith in Mirror's Edge, you get the point. She will guide you along your journey to free humanity from its frozen chains and help you with tactical information in the field. Her concept is below, but we wanted to tell you all more about her as well, so here I go:

Tori is a human born to mutation parents, and, becasue of this, she has been shunned by her neighbors, friends, and even by more distant relatives. Her parents, however, continued to love her and try to raise her as best they could. She was always lonely, never appreciated or accepted because she was different than the other mutations. By the time she is about to turn eighteen, she is fed up with her society and with her treatment, so, on the night before her eighteenth birthday, she ran away from home to live in peace, away from the shunners, and pregidous people she lived with. This begins her journey through the forest to find a place to live, and it is in this journey that she finds the outpost and finds Kyle.

Kyle's Story:

Kyle Rogers is an ex-marine who had served for 5 years in the special forces. Deployed immediately to assist in putting down revolutionaries, he saw combat on multiple occassions from New York City to Los Angeles. On his last tour, in New York City, he was going about on a routine round when, BOOM, an explosion sounded off, and, not a second afterward, gunfire erupted from all around him. After reinforcements came and it was all over, he was rushed to the hospital for treatment, and, once there, watched as his fellow spec ops brothers died one by one. But that fate was not for him. Seeing as he had the best chance to survive, the 'higher-ups' decided to try an experimental new surgery that would replace his damaged organs with new robotic life support systems. The surgery was a success, but, due to the possibility of complications, he was forced to go home. He sat at home, constantly wishing that he had died, not his friends, or that they had been saved, not him. Not too long after his injuries, word of strange mutation in plants began to spread and the government chose him to wake up the humans when and if the time came.

Anyways, I hope that maybe jolts your guys' imagination, and do feel free to tell us what you think; heck, if you got some good idea and post it, it may make it into the game and into the next news post.

For those of you who don't know or weren't told, we announced a few weeks ago that we thought our target demo would be finished by the end of Q1 2012, and it seems like that is a reasonable time-frame; however, there is still quite a bit of time between now and then and the date may change. As for release, we will probably release a teaser first, before the map is completely finished, and then the full gameplay shortly afterward, and I am contemplating on whether or not we will release this to the public (fingers crossed). That is all for now, hope you guys had a good Holiday and we hope you have as great a year as we will in 2012.

Tori First Concept WIP

Happy Holidays
-Millan Singh (aka fragfest2012)

ChexGuy - - 146 comments

Is she going to be USEFUL? Because Cortana was just annoying. And the number 1 reason I don't consider Master Chief to be a badass was because he was Cortana's bitch.

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fragfest2012 Author
fragfest2012 - - 888 comments

Yes, she will be useful and will help you in assessing combat situations as well as navigate you through the level. The best of those analogies is probably Merc and Faith, if you have played Mirror's Edge (great game btw).

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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