Post news RSS Weekly update #14: Garrison list (Intergalactic Empire)

Hi, here's weekly update fourteen, this week I'll discuss the garrison list for the Intergalactic Empire.

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Hi, here's weekly update fourteen, this week I'll discuss the garrison list for the Intergalactic Empire.

Cardon station lvl 1: V-Wing squadrons, TIE Fighter Squadrons, TIE Bomber squadrons, TIE Scout squadrons, Tartan class patroll cruiser
Cardon station lvl 2: TIE Fighter squadrons, TIE bomber squadrons, Tartan cruiser X2, Acclamator mk 2 X2, Venator class star destroyer.
Cardon station lvl 3: TIE Fighter squadrons, TIE Interceptor squadrons, TIE Bomber squadrons, Tartan cruiser X4, Accamator mk 2 X4, Venator class star destroyer X2, Victory I Class.
Cardons station lvl 4: TIE Interceptor squadrons, TIE Phantom squadrons, TIE Bomber squadrons, Tartan cruiser X6, Victory class X2, Immoblizer 418 cruiser.
Cardon lvl 5 station: TIE Phanom squadrons, TIE Defender squadrons, Tartan cruisers X10, Victory class X4, Immobliser 418 X2, Star destroyer.

Jovan station: Acclamator class, Republic attack cruiser, Legacy mk 1
Old republic starbase: Battlestars, Klingon warships, bc 304s

Well this was the Imperial garrison list, the reasen why I didn't mention land is because v1 will be space only.


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