Post news RSS Weekly Update #1

It's been too long a time since we last posted something new. While we assure you, we are still working hard on our mod, we from now on also want you to know what we are doing. Therefore, we will try to post weekly updates on what we are doing every Sunday or Monday, starting today. This serves

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It's been too long a time since we last posted something new. While we assure you, we are still working hard on our mod, we from now on also want you to know what we are doing. Therefore, we will try to post weekly updates on what we are doing every Sunday or Monday, starting today. This serves two purposes: You get to know more about the mod and we put pressure onto ourselvers to work hard to achieve our deadlines.

So let's go ahead then. Here is a list of what we have done last week.

1. - I have created a map of all systems and the jump connections between them, to help us get right which faction is on which station, write all the rumors and infocards and most importantly, get all the system patrol paths right.

2. - I have also worked on the Sol system, setting up stations and rooms, as well as adding patrol paths. More work next week will include the last rumors and infocards as well as the correction of the asteroid fields and nebulae in the system, which are currently not working correctly and causing immense lag.

3. - TheRealJulien, a long-time fan of ours who has recently joined our team, has started his work as a voice actor by practicing accents and different ways of talking. He will be lending his voice to a main character of the story and multiple generic characters.

4. - The by far most important work of last week is the storyline script for the first mission I wrote. The screenplay, if you will, now stands at 22 pages. Right now it is only a rough cut, alternative decisions of the player are not yet factored in and some cutscenes still have to be written in more detail. Nevertheless, work to build the shell of the first mission will begin next week, based on this script.

That was pretty much all. Not much to show you this week, but once we finish all those basic tasks, we will definitely show you some pictures of what we achieved.

I'd also like to express my gratitude for the people interested in and watching this mod. We believed Freelancer to be a dying game with almost no fans outside of the dedicated communities. The amount of watches we have recieved on ModDB surpasses everything we though of when we registered our mod here.

And finally, I'd like to point out that we are still looking for voice actors. So everyone with the time, interest and patience to do the job, why don't you stop by the help wanted section?

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