Post news RSS Website confusion

Just to eliminate any confusion as to why the website is and this is a ut2k3/2k4 mod. The reason that we are using this web address is because I used to run a cs server, but then I had to move away from my nice fast internet so the server had to close. However the web address is still paid for so rather

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Just to eliminate any confusion as to why the website is and this is a ut2k3/2k4 mod.

The reason that we are using this web address is because I used to run a cs server, but then I had to move away from my nice fast internet so the server had to close. However the web address is still paid for so rather than having 2 websites, we decided to just keep using the playground.

When our subscription expires on that site address, We'll change it over to something relevant.

Thanks for bearing with us.

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