Post news RSS Website and Alpha Build!

Yes! We now have a website for Dexxu Games and all our projects! This news post will tell you all about how the site works, as well as include news on the first Alpha build!

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Ok, this post will be in 2 parts, Website news and Alpha update news!


I have finished a basic website, and have made it open to the public! In this website you will find:
- Digital Store
- Photo Gallery
- Projects Page
- Twitter feeds
This website will help us reach out to the community better, as well as provide more often updates to all our projects! On our website you will (soon) find a forum, where you can discuss anything abut Dexxu Games, Dead Year, and ask the members of Dexxu Games anything you want! We are always open to suggestions on for our website as well, so comment what you think! Also, the website has a store where you will be able to Pre-Order the Alpha version of Dead Year! You will find the link to our site on the right side of the indiedb profile!

Alpha Update

The alpha update will be released a little later than originally planned, but not too far behind! I'm hoping to have the alpha available Tuesday July 9th, but it can be pre-ordered on our site right now! It is available for $4.99 right now, just head over to our store page on the site! As of right now, I do not know what the buy button does, so I'm hoping someone can help me test it out! I believe it will transfer the money to my PayPal, and send me your email address, which I will then contact you and add you to a group contact, which I can then mass-email all the people who bought it. Of course you can still get the game for free if your a youtuber, just click "Request YouTube Copy" on our website! Don't bother applying for a youtube copy without meeting the requirements though!

On an ending note, I will be working on the game day and night until I have a good Alpha version, then I will upload videos of it to increase the hype, then start distributing the game! I know right now the game isn't worth buying, but it was in Pre-Alpha state, and will still be, and you will be able to judge if it's worth buying or not by the videos I will release!

That's all for now,


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