Post news RSS Weather conditions in Cross of the Dutchman

We did a lot of research in order to make our game look like it is really set in medieval Friesland. We already demonstrated lot of elements featuring these characteristics like buildings, characters, ships, landscapes, etc. One thing we haven’t talked about so far is the weather, which has a significant influence on the environment. A climate dictates which type of clothing people wear, what style of houses they build, how people live in generally.

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We did a lot of research in order to make our game look like it is really set in medieval Friesland. We already demonstrated lot of elements featuring these characteristics like buildings, characters, ships, landscapes, etc. One thing we haven’t talked about so far is the weather, which has a significant influence on the environment. A climate dictates which type of clothing people wear, what style of houses they build, how people live in generally.

Friesland has a tempered maritime climate because it is located near the North Sea. This climate occurs in most of the coastal areas in western Europe. The gulf stream flowing through the North Sea and a polar front tend to a changeable, often overcast weather. Resulting in cool summers and milder winters, because of rain and cloud cover.

We wanted the climate to be portrayed in the game as well, so a number of designs were made to show how each environment can change just by altering the weather conditions. At this stage, it is unlikely that the weather conditions will change in real-time, but because we have a wide variety of different environments, we won’t run out of opportunities to show each of the conditions throughout the game.

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Weather conditions

Theon - - 712 comments

Holy shiat, that's beautiful.

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Sph!nx - - 722 comments

Nice, as a Dutchman myself I must track this game... even if it's just out of chauvinism, but what I see actually looks promising. Keep it up!

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thedaemon - - 12 comments

Looks great, I will be following your progress.

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