Post news RSS Weapon Icons + Class Concept for HL2

We apologise for not posting any news items for almost a month, but most of our development staff have been busy lately. To start off, Jason has finished the collision detection system for MechMod Melee, and Jason/Pcjoe will now be working on damage implementation and tweaking of the melee system. Weapon

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We apologise for not posting any news items for almost a month, but most of our development staff have been busy lately.

To start off, Jason has finished the collision detection system for MechMod Melee, and Jason/Pcjoe will now be working on damage implementation and tweaking of the melee system.

Weapon Icons

When you select/change weapons ingame, our HUD displays a pop down weapons select menu - comprising of icons for the different attacks. Our sprite artist, SSJS has finished working on designing the weapon select sprites/icons, which shall be implemented in our code shortly.

Here is the entire set of finely crafted attack icons for our first HL-1 release:
User Posted Image

Class Concept for Half-Life 2

As most of our fans know, MechMod is a modification for Half-Life 2 - but our primary goal is to release a stable and fully working beta build to the public on the Half-Life engine. The team has agreed on a certain class concept to follow for Half-Life 2 development, whenever the SDK is released.

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Keep watching our home page and forums for updates, our mod team is extremely dedicated and we are working hard to bring a first-class Mech/Gundam mod out to the public as soon as possible.


-Mod Leader.

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a_llama - - 433 comments

Erm, dude, you don't know what an sdk is do you?

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Doofus - - 92 comments

LOL, If you think the HL2 SDK is the XSI modelling app, you're just plain stupid. The HL2 SDK is the full package of code, documentation, programs and examples of Half-Life 2, for Half-Life 2 Mod Teams.

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