Post news RSS We liiiiiiiiiiiive! And we come bearing videos of the latest patch too!

After a few months of silence, we're back with a big patch filled with free updates and paid DLCs. Check out what Yogscast and Just Pulled Something said about them.

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Hey folks! Guess what? Still not dead. At least, we don't think we are. We might just be particularly articulate game-making zombies. Jokes aside, we've decided to work on revitalizing our IndieDB page. To commemorate this miraculous resurrection, we've got a huge post planned detailing the most recent events.

However, we're also aware that some of you might not be inclined towards reading through some ginormous post in the indeterminate future so here's a lot of videos for your perusal instead.

We still can't believe our luck. The chaps from Yogscast apparently took a serious shine to our game, enough to favor us with four awesome videos.

The first two videos were taken about five months ago, sometime around the release of the game. As of last night, they've unleashed two new videos, both centered around our latest batch of DLCs.

Did they like it? You'll have to check it out here.

Just Pulled Something
We love those guys. We really do. If for no other reason than the fact they love particle effects as much as we do. This dynamic duo are fairly new to the scene but we definitely enjoy the work they've been investing into their videos. Consisting of Darth Murdock and SavageMutt, they're definitely two to watch out for.

Don't believe us? Check out the most recent videos here.

If these videos have piqued your fancy, you might want to head down to our Steam store!

xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments

Wow, these stuff look amazing!

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