What is happening?
Recently, our site www.neoforts.com was hacked. All posts and information has been lost. All user accounts have been lost. We will try our best to restore some parts from any backup files that we may have, yet it can never be the same.
We have a good idea who hacked our website and the hacker(s) are currently being investigated. Because this is still being investigated, we are unable to give details about the hacker(s). Our hosting company is being asked to provide whatever logs may be useful in the investigation.
We will continue to provide additional information as soon as we can do so. The hackers wished to harm us, our website, and our mod. Even though our website has been hacked, their evil action has marred them, and whatever group(s) they work with. To those that hacked us, we say come forward and confess to what evil you have done.
Team Neoforts is saddened by the destruction of our website. Let it be known that this day, October 25th 2006 is a new day for Team Neoforts and our mod Neoforts. Team Neoforts will return much stronger than before, and those that hacked us will not prevail in their evil actions.
---Team Neoforts