Post news RSS We are now live at Kickstarter.

Finally we made it to kickstarter.. check the campaign, share our project.. with you friends.. and thank you in advance.

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We decided that it was about time to present our video game project.. as it is now.. because of many factors that we are experiencing right now..

These are the time needed to work full time on the game, the means to keep this stability, and most of all the right equipment to make a better quality product.

We are hoping to get to the next level in this attempt.. our vision is to show many people out there that anything is possible if.. we work hard and with honesty.

The game surely has potential to be a great title in the future, but without your help.. it will take much more time and effort to accomplish.

So go ahead and take a quick peek at the project and share it around.. it will mean a lot to us.. and

thank you..

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