Hey guys, Its me Charles. God where can we start. Well to start off I have started working on the game again. I stopped awhile ago to do some school work and such. I have gone a little offtrack. I got all my work done this winter and decided it was time to get working on this project again. I am now remodeling and fixing up.
- Trees
- Maps
- Characters
- Code
- Models
I hope to get those things done quite soon. I also have some sad news to report. One of the guys who I let to come join us into the team, he stopped interest in this project. He decided to take his own road and do his own things. I accept the fact he did this.
Now the whole point of me saying that is, I now need new team members.
- We are looking for
- Modelers - 2
- Sound Artist - 1
- Graphics Artist -1
Now you ask why I need new members? Well its a one man job here and I honestly do not think I will be able to do this by myself anymore. It would be too much work on me to continue this project.
- Skype
- Mic
- 14+
- Mature
If you would like to apply I would like you to send an application to my email or twitter
Email - Charlesrissmiller@gmail.com
Twitter - @MagicBoxGaming
Here is the thing. If you would like to send an application to my email, I would like you to be very descriptive about.
- Hobbies
- People Skills
- What you do best
If you would like to do it in twitter, that is another story. I want you to give a very detailed app about. Note you have a higher change applying on twitter
- How you would contribute
- Why should I accept you
- Age
- Hobbies
Now here is what is gonna happen. I am gonna let YOU the people decide or debate whether or not the people that apply over twitter should be accepted. The emails will be kept private.
The reason I am letting people debate on you, is not going to be disclosed. Its a secret. Hopefully some of you will apply hopefully some will not.
Well that is all I got in this update. I will be releasing pictures of current development progress soon enough.