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There was some problems originally when I started to port back early this year, you couldn't simply copy and paste the code from the M&B version to warband as there was slight differences between them both that had to be changed.

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There was some problems originally when I started to port back early this year, you couldn't simply copy and paste the code from the M&B version to warband as there was slight differences between them both that had to be changed. I have sorted that out now but before I didn't know what was causing the problem, it was a slight change to some item entry's that had one or two things moved around.

To fix this I had to re enter all the items from scratch by using the warband items as a base for them and that took some time, another problem I had with porting was that at that time I was trying to develop both module systems at the same time and that was a real drag. I just stopped the port and wanted to do just the M&B version as it was much easier and quicker. Now the M&B version is finished so I can concentrate on the port on it's own.

It will take some time to port to warband as there is alot of code involved but it should be done sooner or later and before the end of this year so don't worry. So far I have added in all the mods:

  • Items
  • Faction troops with all equipment (Still roaming parties to do)
  • Genders
  • Companions and their M&B dialogues (Still have to do the new warband text though)
  • Map Icons and assigned to locations
  • Bunch of small minor stuff
Varulv - - 243 comments

I'm not modder and I can't mod but if I were modder and if I could mod I would help you.

For now, all I can is wish you good luck. You have my support.

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xPearse Author
xPearse - - 2,462 comments

Good to know that people would help if they could, thanks. Also it involves just code so there's no need for help anymore as I can do it all myself.

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Varulv - - 243 comments

Well, will you change those things with which I had problems in your mod version M&B 1.011?

Mean, animations, quests and others.

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xPearse Author
xPearse - - 2,462 comments

I won't edit the quests as I really don't know what im doing there and I never did the quests for M&B, they were kinda like busy work. I did fix those weapons to be two handed so they should work properly now, the zombies shouldn't block as I removed that option so I don't really know what's going on there. They never blocked when I tested the mod out though.

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snesmaster40 - - 4 comments

Great news. I'm not sure what it is, but the original Mount and Blade seems to be very unstable for me while Warband is just fine. I was able to play some of this mod and it was great. Best mod I've ever played. Thanks!

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xPearse Author
xPearse - - 2,462 comments

Yea original M&B can be unstable sometimes, it has something to do with certain graphic cards that don't process well with the game and thus makes it crash from time to time.

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