War Ender is out now on Steam, Itch.Io, and Game Jolt! With its release marks the debut of Infinite Level to the indie game scene. Infinite Level is made up of one person, and as a result War Ender is a solo development (with some help in certain areas). So please, go give it a look! Tell your friends, your lovers, your neighbors...the whole world! If you're unsure about it, there's a demo you can try. The demo can be downloaded right here!
In addition, the game's soundtrack is available for purchase on Steam as well as on Bandcamp. Or, if you'd prefer, you can purchase the War Ender + OST bundle off of Steam and get both the game and the soundtrack at a discount! As time goes on I'll look to getting the soundtrack on other platforms as well. Never let it be said I don't give players options.
But what is War Ender? Glad you asked! War Ender is an action platformer where players assume the role of Red, known within the The City as "the greatest fighter." One night, Red was wandering the streets of The City when he found his friends dead. The investigation that followed revealed that a group of people plotting against The City attacked and killed Red's friends. To avenge his friends, Red will jump, run, and "shoot-float" to conquer his foes and fulfill his revenge as well as protect The City.
Do follow the links below to view War Ender on its various platforms. You can also follow the developer on Twitter for the latest happenings as well as the War Ender Facebook page. Finally, there's the game's website where you can see more screenshots, learn more about the game, and read the various dev blogs posted. Thanks for taking a look, and I hope you enjoy War Ender!
-Lance T.
Steam: Store.steampowered.com
Itch.Io: Prof-smash.itch.io
Game Jolt: Gamejolt.com
Game website: Warendergame.com
Follow the developer on Twitter: Twitter.com
War Ender Facebook Page: Facebook.com