Post news RSS Walking slowly, but never backwards

Progress information. The mod is going slowly, but it's not stopping or going backwards.

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It is actually amazing that this mod is progressing even with a small team (me and Ltfuller, scripting contributions from GarynDakari).

The Yun duel map is completely done. I just need to convert cutscenes and the deathscript. The Boc duel map is almost ready, and it is being made by ltfuller.

Apparently, it is a mix of the Valley of the Jedi from the JK in-game, JK's cutscenes, the novel and the JK2 version. Once finished the Yun duel scripting, the other side (Dark Side, playing as Yun) will also be available.

I'll add the First Person LightSaber (FPLS) support too, but be aware that some lightsaber moves may make the camera go off, and the slow-mode death will be disabled in FPLS, because when you kill a Dark Jedi, the camera will rotate around.

"I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards" - Abraham Lincoln
This quote just summarizes this mod's progress.

DarthPhae - - 46 comments

I'm really liking these new images. Looking really good so far! :D

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